Monday 1 December 2014

Do We Really Know How Disney's Submissive Brain Works?

First, go to this link:
See The Little Mermaid's Red Hair First. Then See Plenty Of Red Flags About The Movie Exposed.

Now I proceed:

Oh my goodness! Stop people stop! 

I don't think Disney were like 'hey what's a whole lot of submissive morals for women we could insert in the film in hopes that when she's older she will realise men rule and she should change species for them because this is crucially important and realistic because kids do not have minds of their own and will understand these subliminal messages.'

No! Stop! Stop! Stop! 

This is what I reckon their line of thought was. 

'Hey dude. You know that story all those kids are reading? That Danish one?'

'The Little Mermaid?'
'Yeah that one! Hey let's make it into a film so kids can watch it as well like we did with Snow White. That was a hit!'
'Oh yeah, let it visually come alive!'
'Yeah! But let's make it more upbeat. It's a little depressing don't you think?'
'Cool dude. But how do we do that without taking away from the original story?' 
'Good question man. Everyone loves the original story anyway. Maybe we stick to it?'
'Ugh well...her dying is a bit much don't you think?'
'Too true....and she gives up everything to be with the prince and doesn't get him in the end because he has some other side chick who he believed saved him instead, which is quite sad too because she has just given up everything....'
'OK let's just change the ending so she doesn't die/turn into air or whatever and her sacrifice wasn't worthless. So she gets the prince. Happy ending? We don't want to horrify kids'
'Happy ending. Oh and let's not make her dance for the prince because that's submissive and cruel.'
'Sweet dude. Oh we forgot! What about Ursula?? We need to do something about her!' 
'Oh yeah she might come back and ruin things. We can't let evil win. Uhhhh just get someone to kill her?'
'The guy because he did in Snow White and everyone loved that crap.'
'We need more drama though.'
'Ugh Ariel gets kidnapped. Oh and lets make it a musical.'
'That's it. We done. We've made a hit. Beautiful.'
'Wait dude. What about the religious stuff. Doesn't she want to go to heaven or something?'
'We'll have to scrap it. People will kill us if they saw religious undertones in the film. We're already too religious as is or whatever. We'll be under fire for telling kids heaven exists without their parents permission because WE ARE TIED TO CONTRADICTING PARENTAL PRESSURES!'

Oh my. 

First section.

Let's remember he fell in love with her voice, first of all. And she saved his life. You know, she's a lifesaver. Last time I heard that's kind of a romantic attribute when you're attracted to someone.

And of course she's skinny. She swims around all day. I don't know a single swimmer that isn't skinny. Yes Disney needs to work on it's hip proportions for women and muscle proportions for men, but I for one have never ever heard a girl say 'Mom, I need to go swimming so I'm as skinny as Ariel!'

In fact I spent today looking after two twin 4 yr old girls and one had an Ariel barbie and not once did she mention Ariel's weight or anyone else's because kids usually do not focus on that.

It more likely made girls feel more comfortable about their red hair. When I was younger, girls with ginger hair often dyed it. But Ariel, she made it worrkk! And it definitely got girls wanting to be mermaids because what's wrong with girls having a little bit of imagination??

We have no problem with it in this video:

Yes, at times she's a little bit clueless. But that's for added comedy for kids to enjoy, because when you're a kid, the one liners often go over your head. I'm sure if I showed kids this for example:

Maybe a little less pageanting and a little more schooling?

They wouldn't get what's so funny like we would. I'm sure this girl doesn't understand why what she said is so funny.

So when watching this:

Yes, a mermaid becoming human would probably not know what a fork is used for...logically thinking
You may think: That is horrendous. All girls in the whole wide world are being portrayed as stupid for all kids who watch this because this one girl (who is new to human life and behaviour) does not know that a fork is a piece of cutlery, not a hairbrush. This is going to leave a permanent scar for generations to come. Disney, you should be ashamed.

But the kids watching are more likely to think: What is she doing? (giggles) She's using a fork as a hairbrush. Oh Ariel. That's a fork silly! (laughs more) That's so funny!

Are we getting it now?

One thing I am against is why she only wears a bra. TEENAGE SWIMMERS DON'T ALWAYS WEAR JUST BIKINI TOPS! But I will forgive them for this mistake.

Let's also remember they did not make up this story. No. This is a beloved fairytale that they thought would be a great idea to turn into a film but thought it was a little to scary to sell to kids because it's quite dark.

And yes, money was obviously a key factor into whether and how or not they should make this film. 
Do you know what a profit business is? Do I need to run over the facts of life business? 


Not getting the Taylor Swift reference by the way. Not one bit. Why would she make Ariel think twice? Her lyrics are literally:

'Saw you there and I thought oh my God,
Look at that face.'
Isn't this what you're trying to avoid?? Loving guys for literal face value?

But lets be honest, that face tho.

Lets go through the list of influences shall we:

1. Look pretty and change yourself if you want a man

Not like the grown ups weren't doing that anyway. Sorry for inserting honesty into a film. 
This is the whole point of the original story except they would've had to remove the heaven aspect of it to not upset liberal parents, which decreases the depth of the story by a lot.

2. If you sign suspicious legal documents that you can't get out of, maybe the guy you met and married in three days will solve it for you. With murder.

Yes, let's talk all our problems out with a monster. She will obviously understand that when she tricked Ariel, it was a silly mistake and not actually her intentions.
I'm not even going to elaborate on my sarcasm. Have you not ever seen a fantasy film in your life? 

3. If you are somehow still living, abandon your family, friends, and home to marry the hot guy you just met.

Yes, I forgot how damaging imagination is.
Why are we making fantasy films for kids? Let's just get them watching Zero Dark Thirty and Once Were Warriors already. What is wrong with you people? Imagination is forbidden here! 

Oh yes I forgot that kids were year 12 English students and having to watch films then study the in depth inequalities and symbolism that was probably not even inserted into the film in the first place.

No! They're kids just watching a film that isn't going to make them confused (and yes, it will make your 23 yr old mind confused by the illogics of it all but do kids care about that stuff? No. The answer is no.) 

And if these fictional characters are who your kids idolise over actual people, then that's not Disney's fault.That again is called imagination. Unless it is concerning, by which point I just say, start parenting. You know, the job you automatically have when you have a child?

And if we really are attaching morals to this film, how's this one?

In real life, teenagers are in fact bratty and believe they are the most intelligent beings on earth and do not care what you do or say because they will do what they want anyway. But that's ok, there are second chances and we can fix our bratty mistakes even if it hurts people and sucks.
Or a more liberal moral could be:
Girl. Do what you want. You want that man? Go get that man. You can do whatever you set your mind too. 

And then realise it's all going really bad so you do whatever you can to fix it or whatever because that's life and this is not a real movie!

Plus, she's the one that sticks up for the humans...

I'm not saying this to criticise Honest Trailers because they are funny and ring true. 

But the fact a whole Upworthy post was constructed to reinforce these ideals and confirm this was Disney's intention is just weird. Why you gotta be all serious? Let kids be kids. Please.

So congratulations old people. You're ridding kids of their childhood because you couldn't let them enjoy imaginative and legendary stories for one minute.