Thursday 8 January 2015

Take Me To Church

Well hello Hozier

I say this out of love. As you know, I am a fellow church goer just like you oh wait no that's not what this song is about.

Ok first of all, I'd just like to say I love the Amen bit. Like top notch dude.

And I am peeing myself with laughter as everytime I google this song, it gives me names of churches nearby so I can literally take myself to church.

And I do like the song as a whole, it tells a very emotional story about lust (I wouldn't say love because lover seems like 'no strings attached' these days rather than 'wife' but how am I to know what kind of woman you are talking about)

And it's catchy. I've heard it heaps of times.
But would I buy it? Well not anymore.

At first I respected the song. Yeah it seemed anti-religious but so is my music teacher making us sing Hallelujah for the school's Easter Assembly (what?) while whispering how much he hates religious assemblies under his breath as he plays accompaniment on piano

Wait I haven't proved anything.

Well the honest truth is that I didn't find it anti-religious at first.
He's singing about how he's left church to worship a woman. It's a story, not a worship song and as many stories are, it's not in line with worshipping God and not every song has to be a worship song. No crime done.
It's a story just like any story I'd pick up off the shelf. And no one has ever had a problem with novels similar to this story a.k.a romance novels. That's what a story is. Man's struggle, man's temptation and what not. Just a tale. A lyrically beautiful one.

And there's nothing wrong with 'paying respect' to a women's body. Sex is all good in the hood with the church. The bible proclaims it repeatedly and how else would you have a child. Would every child be a product of sin? Then God should've never told us to 'be fruitful and multiply.'

So initially, I never opposed Hozier's song.

But then I wiki'd it like 'yo, I wonder what his intentions are because I feel something just don't feel right about dis song.' Why is blogger not underlining 'dis' with the red squiggly line? This is not a real word. You know that right blogger?....blogger stop underlining the word blogger, it's the name of your own site.

And unfortunately I got the answer I wanted.

 "Sexuality, and sexual orientation - regardless of orientation - is just natural. An act of sex is one of the most human things. But an organization like the church, say, through its doctrine, would undermine humanity by successfully teaching shame about sexual orientation - that it is sinful, or that it offends God. The song is about asserting yourself and reclaiming your humanity through an act of love." -Hozier

So let's clear up a few things.

 "Sexuality, and sexual orientation - regardless of orientation - is just natural. An act of sex is one of the most human things."
I wouldn't disagree with that. I don't think there is anything in the Bible that says it's not natural...

"But an organization like the church, say, through its doctrine, would undermine humanity by successfully teaching shame about sexual orientation - that it is sinful, or that it offends God."
Your song has no mention of homosexuality at all, which I assume is the sexual orientation you are talking about. What's this got to do with anything? You are a man singing about a woman. That's heterosexual. If it wasn't for the music video, there'd be no homosexuality. This isn't a gay anthem at all. 

"The song is about asserting yourself and reclaiming your humanity through an act of love."
Yeah, it's natural yo. Not opposing this.

But then this song worships sex. It places wayyy too much importance on a culture that is not as accepting as you think. The idea that you're not mature or human til you indulge in sex is ridiculous. Sex is seen as one of the biggest goals in life. So if a person doesn't sleep with someone, there is a stigma that they are immature, unattractive and it's something they should be ashamed of (don't tell me you've never heard ''really? you're still a virgin'' or ''really? You guys didn't sleep together?''). 
How is that a good thing to be emphasising in song?
Seriously Hozier. Do you want to be shoved into a category with people like this?
Why is this even a question? Don't tell them? 
Is this real life? How superficial. 
Lolo Jones, you are queen bee my love. 
Ignore the shallow haters.

So I know this was meant to be a really protest-y song but to be honest, I find no offense and I actually like the tune. 
But because it seems you want to create an argument and offense to religion specifically Christianity (because we'd be talking about Saturday not Sunday if it was for the Jews and so forth) I will not purchase your song or support it. 

I feel this is the reaction you want. Well all reactions would be beneficial to you. 

C'mon Hozier. Why it gotta be like this?

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