Sunday 8 February 2015

22 Messages From Creationists To People Who Believe In Evolution

It's seems like the biggest issue in this buzzfeed post from evolutionists is the grammar of these creationists i.e no. 5 who has used the wrong 'there' in her question.

a) simple mistake. Thank you to the one person who commented with a bit of compassion and understands people make typos whether creationist or not. Maybe she was in a hurry and had to quickly write her thoughts down for the photographer without proof reading.

and b) maybe English isn't her first language. Not everyone in the world speaks English including a vast majority of Christians. There are Christians in Asia and Africa and Europe and South/North America and Australasia....and these countries don't all speak English and yeah. (I know she's white but that doesn't mean English has to be her first language. Thinking that way is not very progressive and a lil' bit racist)

But instead of commenting: (Sorry, censored language ahead)


Maybe actually explain the sunset so she can understand (which does not happen after this comment).

Though someone did mention that all the creationists in this post were white. I don't know if that was meant to be an insult (I'm joking, it obviously was)

'Has everyone noticed - they’re all white. I mean, so what, but each of these people appears to be from a similar socioeconomic and racial background. In other words, a very narrow [perhaps inbred] segment of society.'

Funny that when I googled famous evolutionists, they happened to meet the description of the above comment.

(I tried googling famous creationists but it just showed up with memes made by evolutionists like this one below)

And all the evolutionists that did the message thing too were all white also.

And their questions can just as easily be rebutted without use of abuse.

For example: (Sorry, I can't help being sarcastic!)
  • God didn't rape anyone? Humans did. They still do today. Even if evolution was correct, there still is rape. (Had to double check I spelt that 'there' right) (no. 25)
  • I loved the Noah's ark one though. Those 2 termites sure had a good time. (no. 36)
  • The bible as a whole is less than 4000 years old (only the old testament is older). When did Jesus die again? Apparently it's actually the year 4000AD not 2015AD. (no. 32)
  • There are entire disciplines dedicated to religious thinking and proof. So does that not make it logical for you to believe in? (no. 28)
  • Science rules? Keep religion out of my science class? Woah dude. I'm out. You've won. That was all I needed to hear. You've convinced me and made me question everything I believe in. Congrats. (no. 33 and 41)
  • We do support your right to have your religion preached at school! Against our will we support your religion. That's why evolution is preached in every school pretty much! (no. 42) It was shoved down my throat at school! You can't pass Bio without learning it even though I didn't understand anything and the questions I had were never answered!
So after being called idiots multiple times (and other names) and criticised for believing in a book that has been written in 'dead languages' (I apologise on behalf of this guy to the Greeks and Jewish for the calling of your language 'dead'. Again, English will reign forever!) and for believing in a holy trinity (because a God in 3 states can not be one God, it must be 3 different Gods. Thus in that logic, steam, ice and water can not all be the same substance?), I hope you guys are doing ok.

In conclusion: Online abuse is never ok, No matter what the topic. A 'progressive' society should be compassionate and open to people having the freedom to believe what they believe in and contest opinions without receiving hurtful comments from those who object. I'm not saying the creationists are perfect, but this is online bullying just because some people don't believe in evolution.


(and love and compassion and understanding)

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