Wednesday 8 July 2015

Can I be a Christian feminist?

Well if we're looking at it from a secular perspective then yes.  We should be feminists with biblical agendas.

The obvious example being the absolutely ridiculous abortion arguments that strips women of their superpower (I can give life! That is literally the best superpower ever!), moral conscience and strength.

I can't believe we have to repeat ourselves with disgusting topics like this. That it is called 'Feminism' to argue that women should be able to terminate (often female) fetuses in a mass infant genocide? I know the bible doesn't say abortion but it does say thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. Now tell me, do you wish to be aborted? If not, then why is it ok? Why should I support it. I love people. I'm pro people and I really think you should be too.

Sorry I sidetracked. I do that a lot.

But I think its obvious. When Christian morals are included, we must definitely be feminist. We can not assume that all of femisn is about the basic patriarchal society and overthrowing it. Its about more than that. Its about the sexual harassment, the female genocide all over the world, the sexual slavery of young girls and so forth. And yes this is seen in both genders and we are to tackle the issue of both cases. But not supporting the modern secular patriarchal ideology of a pornographic culture is a big step forward. And if my opposition to this culture makes me a feminist then get me a badge, I want to wear this title proudly. And if you dont think this double standard exists, you really need to see American Apparel. I will continue this a bit further down.

Can we be feminists in Christianity?
Well no.


Because we dont need to.

Women are not oppressed in the church. Men do not own us even in marriage (its mutual- 1 Corinthians 7:3-4). We do not have to do what a man tells us. Men are not to lust after us, abuse us or force us to commit acts against our will and vice versa. Women can vote in elections or even run for leadership. Women can work and gain a living.
We can be leaders (Judges 4) and choose to remain unmarried (1 Corinthians 7:8).

Only one person has authority over us. And thats that awesome dude up in heaven.
He tells us how to be great Christian women. None of that includes being a oppressed by men.

Thus we are equal. There is no need for feminism in a truth-seeking church.

But isn't there a double standard in the church
I see what you're thinking about so: Why yes. Yes there is. There's one for both men and women. And that makes it equal. Men (if they chose) serve as leaders in the church (married men as elders etc); women (if they choose)  lead the children and have children (which as we know, men can not physically do).

And that's as far as that double standard goes. Both can work (Proverbs 31, Genesis 2), both can study the bible to ones own desire (Joshua 1:8) and both can correct those who misunderstand the gospel (Acts 18:26).

And they don't have to marry! You don't have to be a child bearing marathoner to be right it God's eyes-just look at Mary Magdelene. Or you don't have to be an elder preaching marital wisdom if you're a man because remember: we have different gifts!

Let's not forget that we genders need each other in our most natural, undisturbed God-given forms. What God gives, let no man take away. I know I totally took this verse out of context, but I guess I don't need a verse to back this statement up. We have no right to play God and change what God has given and made us.

But the secular, perverted Christian denominations, world religions and non-religions have created serious inequalities that contradict our doctrine, morality, beliefs and our God. As mentioned before, they subject, objectify and leave women (and men) discriminated all because they were born with the sex and gender God personally chose for them.

And there's only one way to fight it. Christians must be 'feminist' of some sort. We can not let our daughters, sisters  and mothers be objectified, treated as unintelligent, be prevented from achieving greatness and given worse treatment for the same situations men occur.

So please. Galatians 3:28

Oh yeah, please remember I'm a hypocritical non-feminist

Amy Buckleys notes on this are a great read-specifically on first wave feminism.
This is quite blunt but it also illustrates what gender equality is in the Bible

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