Sunday 26 June 2016

This was just ridiculous

Buzzfeed posted an article on Snapchat with an image I found was highly inappropriate.

So I posted on their wall.

Here's the writing in case you can't see it.

'Oh buzzfeed. I am so so disappointed in your choice of image for this snapchat article! Here's two ideas of what could've made for a better choice: (you know, anything else that would've more closely related to the article)
1. A girl actually playing sport
2. A girl who looks like she is of high school age or in a high school sports uniform.
(Yes, no high school girl looks like this while playing sport. Let's be honest, the girl would've pinned up her bangs or something because it would've gotten in the way of her sight while running)

I will honestly volunteer my profile picture (with the permission of the others in it) of me playing netball circa early high school years because that is what it was actually 'like playing sports in high school as a girl.' (also it's a crack up pic that is still living on 6 years after it was taken).'

Yes, the woman is being sexualised, so I took a more 'helpful' approach but giving them advice instead of condemning them aggressively because I felt that this was obvious and they should know better. But I guess not. So my lovely friends have commented perfectly on this. Give it a like if you support because that photo needs no explanation as to why it is so stupid.

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