Sunday 21 August 2016

I have a solution to the Summer Olympic and Summer Paralympic games

Don’t get me wrong, this ain’t no anti-Olympic games post. I love it to little bits. I stay up every night watching it and hope it will never die. 
But we cannot keep destroying property every four years and driving people out of homes.
Solution: The games are in Athens every year at the already existent Olympic stadium and sites. Instead, a country is put in charge every year (like a theme with a host country) to do the opening ceremonies, closing ceremonies, decoration, medals etc. 
Reasons why it’s rad:
  • Athens of course has a lot of history to it. So perf city for a permanent location.
  • People are not driven out of homes
  • Money is saved (The Olympics really should’ve been started by Asians who could budget for it) because facilities are already available. Money is just spent on maintenance in this case.
  • Global culture will still be seen as the focus is mainly on the Olympic opening and closing ceremonies. 
  • The host countries will save money. Money will still be spent on things such as Opening and Closing ceremonies but not having to build stadiums and sites and villages will save moolah.
  • Countries that would never ever be able to host an Olympics may finally be given an opportunity i.e .countries that are too small or just do not have the resources to go the full 100%
  • It may get Greece out of their financial crisis (it can be turned into a tourist spot when the olympics ain’t on i.e. the village can be a hotel)
  • Probs saves the environment too due to less waste and no stadiums left abandoned (it’s a thing. look it up)
  • Every medallist gets thee cool laurel wreath too! (As well as whatever the host nations give)
It may not be as magical as what it is now due to this idea we have created around the Olympics. But it would result in only positives (as far as I can think of) for the IOC. Once we get over the stigma of the Olympics needing to be in different countries every year, we’ll appreciate this and forget that we’re in Athens every year (because the host countries will hopefully do such a great job of transporting us through the exhibition of their culture). 
And yes it may not be as magical for the athletes, and that will probably be a challenge to overcome. But at least there will be consistency right? They know what environment they will be competing in….kinda
P.S any arguments around home country athletes are redundant. GB did better in this Olympics than the London ones and good athletes seem to be smashing it anywhere really. 
Solution? No?

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