Monday 17 November 2014

You Honestly Have No Idea How Blessed People Are To Live Here

I can get a student loan from the government interest free for up to 10 years.
I can borrow extra money and if my parents weren't earning enough, I could get an allowance.
My fees cost $7000 for two trimesters.
I don't have to pay extra for tuition.
I get student discounts.
I get free food, vouchers, money and newspapers just for showing up.
I get discounts at the doctors, dentists and any other medical services.
The ambulance is FREE.

I have the right to an education though I am an eighteen year old Christian female. Wait, this shouldn't be something remarkable.

But it is. 

  • According to women account for nearly two thirds of the world's 780 million people who can not read with 10 million more girls out of school than boys.
  • Religion is excluded from schools in some countries with extremities meaning kids can't even read the Bible in their own time or pray before lunch.

I mean I won't say NZ is perfect when it comes to religion.
Evolution is taught as fact and not theory (though it is this) with a complete exclusion of any other theories such as Creationism. Even when my teacher stated it was a theory, the class erupted in criticism of her teaching ability. 
I got asked to remove my purity ring and cross necklace multiple times as it was not school regulation.

But I could lead a Christian group openly at school where Christian girls gathered and shared their stories, struggles and blessings.

Back on track

What I'm trying to say is that people have no idea. 
The world is consuming globalisation but doesn't know in the slightest how the other half live. They make my shoes right? That's all I need to know dude!

I just found out my friend is paying $20,000 for her one trimester in the U.S. $20,000??? I don't even pay that much for my whole degree. 

It is cheaper for her to come here, pay rent and pay international fees here in New Zealand. 
Loans aren't interest free.
There are no handouts.
You have to pay for tuition. 
And this is the U.S. This is not a third world country. 

I guess what I'm saying is that when I look at my friends and see them complain about uni expenses in the conditions we have while they're living it up, spending all their earnings on booze, music festivals, make-up, clothes and nights out, it ticks me off.

It ticks me off big time.

I love you but you need to realise how spoilt you are.

Because going clubbing while I do Relay for Life and have to pay your registration fee because you said you were going to do it so we signed up (and they bent the rules for us) and then telling us the day before that you can not do it, is not cool.

It makes me question everything. 
Your alcohol dependence is out of hand but you think it's a good thing because this behaviour is encouraged here.

It's empty carbs that make you annoying to be around.

I sidetracked.

Don't You Ever Say That.

Here's a random gif just to kinda ease the tension.

I can not brush past the fact that I am opinionated. So here's my rant of the day. I know I'm playing this down but I am extremely upset right now. I am extremely hurt by this comment.

This comment was not said by me or said to me. Infact I stumbled upon it when looking at the comments in this article put out by Time on Facebook (which they genuinely seem to update every five seconds).

Its a good article but that's not important. Though the fact they discuss the controversial topic of abortion is. Not particularly because of the content of the article, but of the context of the comments on the post.

The deal is someone posted this. A comment in response to someone she thought was trolling.

And what this lady has said is not something new to my ears. It's a very common comment. I've heard it before and before and before. And I am sick of it.

You'd never tell someone you didn't know to die? Why tell someone they should've been aborted. Why wish for someone to have been terminated prematurely by people they didn't know. Why tell someone to be terminated full stop. On what planet is this appropriate for you to say? I am disgusted.

Please, please, never say something like this to anyone.

So You're Not Shaving Your Armpits

First off: Warning, videos may be triggering.


So I'm not a feminist. At all. Not one bit.

OMG how can you be a girl and not be a feminist? Do you not want equality? Despicable.

Ok, so when it comes to countries like Egypt where women are constantly being sexually harassed no matter what and there is absolutely no dealing with this (refer to video below) then hell yeah I'm against it.

But that's not because I believe women shouldn't be harassed, I believe nobody should be harassed. It just so happens to be women in this case. Because though it is more rare, crap like this can happen to guys as well and no matter the stats, it's still significant. Especially as when the tables are turned, it's deemed comedic.

So let's clarify. Harassment of any sort to any gender is disgusting. Sort it out brother (or sister).

Plus I've always been intimidated by the scene and it's a step in the opposite direction of my views.
Like for me it's always been 'hey lets stop guys from being dicks and breaking hearts' instead of 'hey if the guys are being dicks and breaking hearts, then let's get the girls to do it too because #yolo #equality. Also don't call them sluts because guys don't have labels.'

Just constant comparisons idolising males as the preferred gender. The only time I compare them a bit is when looking at American Apparel and crying over the sexualisation of women. But forget the fact that the men aren't sexualised, it's the fact that the women are still nude to sell the product. Without a male comparison, I'm still horrified.

See I don't look at guys as guys except sexually being heterosexual and all but apart from that i.e in the work force, sports field (though it is clearly obvious our bodies are not the same so I agree to competing in single sex leagues), school, leadership e.t.c, you're just a colleague, team mate, fellow student, companion unless you're a total hottie then I'm totally checking you owwtt. (I'm not. I'm just making a point. Don't flatter yourself)

And there's also the fact that 'feminists' like Laci Green irritate every bone in my body just because she thinks her opinion is always correct and if you do not agree with it then hun, get out of your primitive life and get on the progressive boat because you suck. (cue Laci Green's sarcastic comment and frustrated laugh and then look at the camera because you've given up on society but then realise this is the perfect time to lecture audiences)
She's a great youtuber but I tend to hold my breath in her video and wait for her to give me permission to breathe because it's her way or no way.

And this circulating 'feminist' tumblr post about female virginity is, despite your belief, infact anti-feminist. Like how does that make sense. Thank goodness the girl I reblogged it from who added the last comment actually understands how sex involves two people. Two.

Ok so here's what I'm getting at.
I'm not feminist (in my opinion anyway) but I am 100% backing women who refuse to shave.

I totally am.

It's bold and it's going 'hey, like me for who I am. Because this is real. This is a real woman.' 

Hold up scratch that, I'm not a feminist. This is a real human being.

I wish I was like this. I wish I didn't care what people think. I still worry that the hair on my arms and baby hairs on my face creep guys out.

You look at articles like the professor offering extra credit to unshaven arms (or shaven if you're a guy) or this woman just having a yarn about it and just feel empowered.

I remember 2 years ago when an Irish writer revealed her pits on telly and my friend freaked out at how disgusting she believed it was. I mean if you don't like it, you don't have to let it grow but if you don't want to shave, you don't have to shave! (including your legs or anything it that matter)

But then I'm not a feminist. So this means guys shouldn't have to shave if they don't want to shave either. That's equality.
But I'm all for looking tidy in the workplace.

And this is where I'm stumped.

Why I disagree with the 'Why I filmed my abortion' video pro-choice support

When Emily Letts got pregnant, she knew she would get an abortion. Then she decided to film it. After Letts entered the Abortion Care Network’s Stigma Busting video competition (and won), the video went viral. Here, she explains why she decided to share her experience so publicly.

Emily acknowledges the fact she can ‘make life’ in the video, obviously meaning that she recognises this baby she just terminated as once alive. Therefore she is suggesting that it is not just a ‘blip,’ it’s actually a living ornganism-and what does a baby happen to be? You know that thing you hold in your arms and rock to sleep? Yup, I think its a living organism, more specifically human being.

Just like a puppy.
Just like a kitten.
Just like a foal.
Just a baby.

So did she terminate a human being?

I raise this question because many articles I've read have suggested she had an abortion because she the baby was just a 'blip' (their words, not mine) to her. But here she states the opposite.

I believe she definitely achieved her goal of showing abortion as a not-so terrifying experience and that it is an easy decision to make (obviously as this seems more like a publicity stint than anything else). And I do kind of believe this was all she intended to do. 

She then explains that this decision has benefited her. ‘It was right for me and no one else.’ So the reasoning behind the decision of an abortion was for her personal gain. Fair enough, that's why people do most things.

But I want people to understand the ideas behind pro-life. That we, just like Emily, have recognised this as life but unlike Emily, we believe that pregnancy is a natural process and that though the life is 'consuming from the mother' (again not my words but ones I've read), it is still as accountable as a living being as my neighbour, or my friend, or my bus driver and so forth is.
So pro-choicers, don’t throw it in the face of those who are pro-life that this was a morally correct decision because I don't believe this has been justified. (This is completely my opinion though).

I think what what we need is for people to get out and see the world. See the opposing view so there is no bias. Meet an abortion survivor (maybe read Jack Nicholson's story.) Or meet Norma McCorvey!
That’s how you understand it all. All my friends are pro-choice and most have had abortions and that's what continues to confirm my decision to save lives. Walk in the other person’s shoes!

I know I sound spiteful and I really don’t mean too. But I'm sick of mothers being looked down on because they’re ‘domesticated.’ There's an inequality among those in paid work and those in unpaid work who believe they are more significant in society because they have economic power. Why do we allow this injustice? If people keep the baby, they get looked down at.

Just recently, a girl at uni had a baby. As a result of this, she was kicked out of her hostel and is now being forced to find residence somewhere else. Why? Because if she was stupid enough to get pregnant, then she's not smart enough to live here. (Don't look at me, these are the words from the RA!)
But what if she was raped? Was she stupid then?
What if she wanted to keep the baby? Is that a stupid decision?
The fact that many girls in that hostel who have gotten pregnant, possibly numerous times because they were 'stupid,' but had abortions to hide it have the right to still live in the hall but one girl decides to keep the baby and she's 'immoral' and 'stupid' and can't pursue her university education.
I'm sorry but where are the feminists supporting a girl who is getting her right of education stripped off her because she has chosen to be a mother. Is that not a women's right?

I can't-. I don't know man. I don't know.

'I had an abortion because it was stopping me from being a lawyer.'-and yes I've heard this. 
Cool, so if I fail uni right, that's stopping me from being a lawyer but I'll just throw a little money on it in the form of bribery and just drop all moral conscious in order to achieve my goal. 
Wait that’s a wrong thing to do? Cheating isn’t cool? But it was stopping me from being a lawyer and that’s my right? To be what I have dreamed of being. 
Is it not the same thing? Is an abortion not just cheating life to get out of what we call our 'failure.'

Great, life is complicated and I got sassy again.

We spend so much time telling girls that if they terminate the baby, life will be easier. Why do we never show them that they are capable of being a mother? That they are strong enough to deal with their 'crisis.'  That they can defy odds and shut down those that never believed in them.
And yes! It won't be easy, but has life ever been easy? No! Otherwise we would all be millionaires by now.

Here’s a great idea! Let’s just let things happen naturally, I’ll age as nature progresses.
Well here’s another natural process, pregnancy! So let that process happen naturally....
Well, no it’s not natural apparently. According to someone I know it’s ‘playing God.’
Yes. By not terminating your baby, you are playing God. But if you chose to terminate your baby, you are not playing God? Because it's our destiny to die as soon as possible?

Oh dear. Logic.