Monday 17 November 2014

You Honestly Have No Idea How Blessed People Are To Live Here

I can get a student loan from the government interest free for up to 10 years.
I can borrow extra money and if my parents weren't earning enough, I could get an allowance.
My fees cost $7000 for two trimesters.
I don't have to pay extra for tuition.
I get student discounts.
I get free food, vouchers, money and newspapers just for showing up.
I get discounts at the doctors, dentists and any other medical services.
The ambulance is FREE.

I have the right to an education though I am an eighteen year old Christian female. Wait, this shouldn't be something remarkable.

But it is. 

  • According to women account for nearly two thirds of the world's 780 million people who can not read with 10 million more girls out of school than boys.
  • Religion is excluded from schools in some countries with extremities meaning kids can't even read the Bible in their own time or pray before lunch.

I mean I won't say NZ is perfect when it comes to religion.
Evolution is taught as fact and not theory (though it is this) with a complete exclusion of any other theories such as Creationism. Even when my teacher stated it was a theory, the class erupted in criticism of her teaching ability. 
I got asked to remove my purity ring and cross necklace multiple times as it was not school regulation.

But I could lead a Christian group openly at school where Christian girls gathered and shared their stories, struggles and blessings.

Back on track

What I'm trying to say is that people have no idea. 
The world is consuming globalisation but doesn't know in the slightest how the other half live. They make my shoes right? That's all I need to know dude!

I just found out my friend is paying $20,000 for her one trimester in the U.S. $20,000??? I don't even pay that much for my whole degree. 

It is cheaper for her to come here, pay rent and pay international fees here in New Zealand. 
Loans aren't interest free.
There are no handouts.
You have to pay for tuition. 
And this is the U.S. This is not a third world country. 

I guess what I'm saying is that when I look at my friends and see them complain about uni expenses in the conditions we have while they're living it up, spending all their earnings on booze, music festivals, make-up, clothes and nights out, it ticks me off.

It ticks me off big time.

I love you but you need to realise how spoilt you are.

Because going clubbing while I do Relay for Life and have to pay your registration fee because you said you were going to do it so we signed up (and they bent the rules for us) and then telling us the day before that you can not do it, is not cool.

It makes me question everything. 
Your alcohol dependence is out of hand but you think it's a good thing because this behaviour is encouraged here.

It's empty carbs that make you annoying to be around.

I sidetracked.

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