Monday 17 November 2014

Don't You Ever Say That.

Here's a random gif just to kinda ease the tension.

I can not brush past the fact that I am opinionated. So here's my rant of the day. I know I'm playing this down but I am extremely upset right now. I am extremely hurt by this comment.

This comment was not said by me or said to me. Infact I stumbled upon it when looking at the comments in this article put out by Time on Facebook (which they genuinely seem to update every five seconds).

Its a good article but that's not important. Though the fact they discuss the controversial topic of abortion is. Not particularly because of the content of the article, but of the context of the comments on the post.

The deal is someone posted this. A comment in response to someone she thought was trolling.

And what this lady has said is not something new to my ears. It's a very common comment. I've heard it before and before and before. And I am sick of it.

You'd never tell someone you didn't know to die? Why tell someone they should've been aborted. Why wish for someone to have been terminated prematurely by people they didn't know. Why tell someone to be terminated full stop. On what planet is this appropriate for you to say? I am disgusted.

Please, please, never say something like this to anyone.

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