Monday 17 November 2014

Why I disagree with the 'Why I filmed my abortion' video pro-choice support

When Emily Letts got pregnant, she knew she would get an abortion. Then she decided to film it. After Letts entered the Abortion Care Network’s Stigma Busting video competition (and won), the video went viral. Here, she explains why she decided to share her experience so publicly.

Emily acknowledges the fact she can ‘make life’ in the video, obviously meaning that she recognises this baby she just terminated as once alive. Therefore she is suggesting that it is not just a ‘blip,’ it’s actually a living ornganism-and what does a baby happen to be? You know that thing you hold in your arms and rock to sleep? Yup, I think its a living organism, more specifically human being.

Just like a puppy.
Just like a kitten.
Just like a foal.
Just a baby.

So did she terminate a human being?

I raise this question because many articles I've read have suggested she had an abortion because she the baby was just a 'blip' (their words, not mine) to her. But here she states the opposite.

I believe she definitely achieved her goal of showing abortion as a not-so terrifying experience and that it is an easy decision to make (obviously as this seems more like a publicity stint than anything else). And I do kind of believe this was all she intended to do. 

She then explains that this decision has benefited her. ‘It was right for me and no one else.’ So the reasoning behind the decision of an abortion was for her personal gain. Fair enough, that's why people do most things.

But I want people to understand the ideas behind pro-life. That we, just like Emily, have recognised this as life but unlike Emily, we believe that pregnancy is a natural process and that though the life is 'consuming from the mother' (again not my words but ones I've read), it is still as accountable as a living being as my neighbour, or my friend, or my bus driver and so forth is.
So pro-choicers, don’t throw it in the face of those who are pro-life that this was a morally correct decision because I don't believe this has been justified. (This is completely my opinion though).

I think what what we need is for people to get out and see the world. See the opposing view so there is no bias. Meet an abortion survivor (maybe read Jack Nicholson's story.) Or meet Norma McCorvey!
That’s how you understand it all. All my friends are pro-choice and most have had abortions and that's what continues to confirm my decision to save lives. Walk in the other person’s shoes!

I know I sound spiteful and I really don’t mean too. But I'm sick of mothers being looked down on because they’re ‘domesticated.’ There's an inequality among those in paid work and those in unpaid work who believe they are more significant in society because they have economic power. Why do we allow this injustice? If people keep the baby, they get looked down at.

Just recently, a girl at uni had a baby. As a result of this, she was kicked out of her hostel and is now being forced to find residence somewhere else. Why? Because if she was stupid enough to get pregnant, then she's not smart enough to live here. (Don't look at me, these are the words from the RA!)
But what if she was raped? Was she stupid then?
What if she wanted to keep the baby? Is that a stupid decision?
The fact that many girls in that hostel who have gotten pregnant, possibly numerous times because they were 'stupid,' but had abortions to hide it have the right to still live in the hall but one girl decides to keep the baby and she's 'immoral' and 'stupid' and can't pursue her university education.
I'm sorry but where are the feminists supporting a girl who is getting her right of education stripped off her because she has chosen to be a mother. Is that not a women's right?

I can't-. I don't know man. I don't know.

'I had an abortion because it was stopping me from being a lawyer.'-and yes I've heard this. 
Cool, so if I fail uni right, that's stopping me from being a lawyer but I'll just throw a little money on it in the form of bribery and just drop all moral conscious in order to achieve my goal. 
Wait that’s a wrong thing to do? Cheating isn’t cool? But it was stopping me from being a lawyer and that’s my right? To be what I have dreamed of being. 
Is it not the same thing? Is an abortion not just cheating life to get out of what we call our 'failure.'

Great, life is complicated and I got sassy again.

We spend so much time telling girls that if they terminate the baby, life will be easier. Why do we never show them that they are capable of being a mother? That they are strong enough to deal with their 'crisis.'  That they can defy odds and shut down those that never believed in them.
And yes! It won't be easy, but has life ever been easy? No! Otherwise we would all be millionaires by now.

Here’s a great idea! Let’s just let things happen naturally, I’ll age as nature progresses.
Well here’s another natural process, pregnancy! So let that process happen naturally....
Well, no it’s not natural apparently. According to someone I know it’s ‘playing God.’
Yes. By not terminating your baby, you are playing God. But if you chose to terminate your baby, you are not playing God? Because it's our destiny to die as soon as possible?

Oh dear. Logic.

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