Monday 17 November 2014

So You're Not Shaving Your Armpits

First off: Warning, videos may be triggering.


So I'm not a feminist. At all. Not one bit.

OMG how can you be a girl and not be a feminist? Do you not want equality? Despicable.

Ok, so when it comes to countries like Egypt where women are constantly being sexually harassed no matter what and there is absolutely no dealing with this (refer to video below) then hell yeah I'm against it.

But that's not because I believe women shouldn't be harassed, I believe nobody should be harassed. It just so happens to be women in this case. Because though it is more rare, crap like this can happen to guys as well and no matter the stats, it's still significant. Especially as when the tables are turned, it's deemed comedic.

So let's clarify. Harassment of any sort to any gender is disgusting. Sort it out brother (or sister).

Plus I've always been intimidated by the scene and it's a step in the opposite direction of my views.
Like for me it's always been 'hey lets stop guys from being dicks and breaking hearts' instead of 'hey if the guys are being dicks and breaking hearts, then let's get the girls to do it too because #yolo #equality. Also don't call them sluts because guys don't have labels.'

Just constant comparisons idolising males as the preferred gender. The only time I compare them a bit is when looking at American Apparel and crying over the sexualisation of women. But forget the fact that the men aren't sexualised, it's the fact that the women are still nude to sell the product. Without a male comparison, I'm still horrified.

See I don't look at guys as guys except sexually being heterosexual and all but apart from that i.e in the work force, sports field (though it is clearly obvious our bodies are not the same so I agree to competing in single sex leagues), school, leadership e.t.c, you're just a colleague, team mate, fellow student, companion unless you're a total hottie then I'm totally checking you owwtt. (I'm not. I'm just making a point. Don't flatter yourself)

And there's also the fact that 'feminists' like Laci Green irritate every bone in my body just because she thinks her opinion is always correct and if you do not agree with it then hun, get out of your primitive life and get on the progressive boat because you suck. (cue Laci Green's sarcastic comment and frustrated laugh and then look at the camera because you've given up on society but then realise this is the perfect time to lecture audiences)
She's a great youtuber but I tend to hold my breath in her video and wait for her to give me permission to breathe because it's her way or no way.

And this circulating 'feminist' tumblr post about female virginity is, despite your belief, infact anti-feminist. Like how does that make sense. Thank goodness the girl I reblogged it from who added the last comment actually understands how sex involves two people. Two.

Ok so here's what I'm getting at.
I'm not feminist (in my opinion anyway) but I am 100% backing women who refuse to shave.

I totally am.

It's bold and it's going 'hey, like me for who I am. Because this is real. This is a real woman.' 

Hold up scratch that, I'm not a feminist. This is a real human being.

I wish I was like this. I wish I didn't care what people think. I still worry that the hair on my arms and baby hairs on my face creep guys out.

You look at articles like the professor offering extra credit to unshaven arms (or shaven if you're a guy) or this woman just having a yarn about it and just feel empowered.

I remember 2 years ago when an Irish writer revealed her pits on telly and my friend freaked out at how disgusting she believed it was. I mean if you don't like it, you don't have to let it grow but if you don't want to shave, you don't have to shave! (including your legs or anything it that matter)

But then I'm not a feminist. So this means guys shouldn't have to shave if they don't want to shave either. That's equality.
But I'm all for looking tidy in the workplace.

And this is where I'm stumped.

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